Pigs vs. Freaks 40 years old

In a small town, the hippie faction often clashes with the mainstream. To settle their differences, the hippie "freaks" take on the town police "pigs" in a football game. On opposing sides of the fence are Frank, the police sergeant, and his son Neal. Also at odds are Neal and one time friend Doug, a returned Vietnam Vet who has joined the police force, who is also protective of his younger sister who prefers the hippie element. To make things even more intense, Mickey South, who has fled to Canada to avoid the war, returns to play for the Freaks football team. Tensions mount and all are challenged as the climax of the film approaches.


Pigs vs. Freaks Cast

Name Character
Patrick Swayze He was 31, 57 years old when he died as Doug Zimmer
Adam Baldwin He was 22, now 62 years old as Mickey South
Gloria DeHaven She was 58, 91 years old when she died as Maureen Brockmeyer
Brian Dennehy He was 45, now 86 years old as Sergeant Cheever
William Windom He was 60, 32 years old when he died as Mayor Malcolm Wallwood
Elisha Cook, Jr. He was 80, 91 years old when he died as Novatney
Tony Randall He was 64, 84 years old when he died as Rambaba Organimus
Stephen Furst He was 29, 62 years old when he died as Steamboat
Eugene Roche He was 55, 75 years old when he died as Police Chief Frank Brockmeyer
Jim Greenleaf as Blatz
Penny Peyser She was 33, now 73 years old as Janice Zimmer
Lanny Horn as Morton
Graham Jarvis He was 53, 72 years old when he died as Commander Oliver Krebs
Joe Kapp He was 46, now 86 years old as Pete Bose
Grant Goodeve He was 31, now 72 years old as Neal Brockmeyer
Vern Taylor He was 15, now 24 years old as Pop
J.D. Hall He was 37, now 77 years old as Riley Webster

Pigs vs. Freaks Crew

Name Department
Jack Epps, Jr. as Producer. He was 35 (now 75) years old Production
Jack Epps, Jr. as Story. He was 35 (now 75) years old Writing
Mark Snow as Music. He was 37 (now 77) years old Sound
Frank Beascoechea as Director of Photography. Camera
Dick Lowry as Director. He was 39 (now 79) years old Directing
Sam Strangis as Executive Producer. He was 54 (now 95) years old Production
Greg Strangis as Executive Producer. Production
Gordon T. Dawson as Teleplay. Writing
Gordon T. Dawson as Story. Writing
Robert Huddleston as Producer. He was 170 (73) years old when He died Production
Pigs vs. Freaks (40 years)

  • Release day: Thursday, June 07, 1984
  • Runtime: 120 minutes