Beverly Hills Vamp 35 years old

No sex is safe tonight.

Kyle, Brock and Russell are three aspiring filmmakers new in Hollywood. They phone up an escort ad and take a trip to a Beverly Hills mansion, but unfortunately for them the call girls turn out to be fiendish vixens of the undead …


Beverly Hills Vamp Cast

Name Character
Michelle Bauer She was 30, now 65 years old as Kristina
Eddie Deezen He was 32, now 67 years old as Kyle Carpenter
Jay Richardson He was 5, now 40 years old as Aaron Pendleton
Robert Quarry He was 63, 83 years old when he died as Father Ferraro
Ralph Lucas as Balthazar
Britt Ekland She was 46, now 81 years old as Madame Cassandra
Dawn Wildsmith She was 26, now 61 years old as Sherry Santa Monica
Debra Lamb She was 25, now 60 years old as Jessica
Jillian Kesner She was 39, 58 years old when she died as Claudia
Tom Shell as Russell
Brigitte Burdine She was 26, 48 years old when she died as Molly
Tony Lorea as Sgt. Kelton
Pat McCormick She was 59, 75 years old when she died as Professor Sommerset

Beverly Hills Vamp Crew

Name Department
Stephen Ashley Blake as Cinematography. Crew
Chuck Cirino as Music. Sound
Ernest D. Farino as Writer. Writing
Fred Olen Ray as Director. He was 34 (now 69) years old Directing
Beverly Hills Vamp poster
Beverly Hills Vamp (35 years)

No sex is safe tonight.

  • Release day: Wednesday, June 28, 1989
  • Runtime: 88 minutes