My Boys 17 years old

My Boys

My Boys follows PJ, a twenty-something professional sportswriter who is looking for love within her world which is dominated by her group of male friends. Her tomboyish, no-nonsense approach to relationships tends to freak out potential suitors which leads her only female friend to advise her to dress and act more feminine.


Reid Scott
Reid Scott

Brendan Dorff

Jordana Spiro
Jordana Spiro

P.J. Franklin

Joel Murray
Joel Murray



Name Character
Reid Scott He was 29 , now 46 years old as Brendan Dorff
Mimi Rogers She was 50 , now 68 years old
Rachael Harris She was 38 , now 56 years old as Marcia
Martin Mull He was 63 , now 80 years old
Jordana Spiro She was 29 , now 47 years old as P.J. Franklin
Joel Murray He was 43 , now 61 years old as Crowley
Jay Tarses He was 67 , now 85 years old
Jim Gaffigan He was 40 , now 58 years old
Eddie McClintock He was 39 , now 57 years old
Kiko Ellsworth He was 33 , now 51 years old
Mini Andén She was 28 , now 46 years old
Kyle Howard He was 28 , now 46 years old as Bobby Newman
Erica Shaffer She was 36 , now 54 years old as Woman
Kellee Stewart She was 30 , now 48 years old as Stephanie Layne
John Ducey He was 37 , now 55 years old
Jamie Kaler He was 42 , now 59 years old as Mike Callahan
Marshall Cook He was 24 , now 42 years old
Michael Bunin He was 36 , now 54 years old as Kenny Moritorri
Chris Hogan as Bartender


Name Job title
Arlene Sanford Directing She was 56 , now 74 years old Director
Gavin Polone Production He was 105 , now 123 years old Producer
Gavin Polone Production He was 105 , now 123 years old Executive Producer
Jamie Tarses Production She was 40 , now 58 years old Producer
Jamie Tarses Production She was 40 , now 58 years old Executive Producer
Kevin D. Ross Editing Editor
Paul Maibaum Camera He was 55 , now 73 years old Director of Photography
Fred Savage Directing He was 30 , now 48 years old Director
Matthew Diamond Directing He was 55 , now 72 years old Director
Barnet Kellman Directing He was 59 , now 76 years old Director
Robert Duncan McNeill Directing He was 42 , now 59 years old Director
Betsy Thomas Production She was 40 , now 58 years old Executive Producer
Ethan Sandler Production He was 33 , now 51 years old Producer
Ethan Sandler Writing He was 33 , now 51 years old Writer
Arvin Brown Directing He was 66 , now 84 years old Director
Jay Kleckner Production Producer
My Boys poster
My Boys (17 years)


  • First Air Date: 2006-11-28
  • Runtime: [22] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 49