Tu la conosci Claudia? 19 years old

Tu la conosci Claudia?

Meet Claudia: dull Giovanni is married with her, Giacomo is divorced and happy of it (until he meets her), and Aldo... is a taxi driver. At the end, who will have won her heart?


Tu la conosci Claudia? Cast

Name Character
Paola Cortellesi She was 31, now 50 years old as Claudia
Rossy de Palma She was 40, now 59 years old as Claudia di Aldo
Ottavia Piccolo She was 55, now 74 years old as L'analista
Sandra Ceccarelli She was 37, now 57 years old as Silvia, l'ex-moglie di Giacomo
Giacomo Poretti He was 48, now 68 years old as Giacomo Poretti
Giovanni Storti He was 47, now 67 years old as Giovanni Storti
Marco Messeri He was 53, now 72 years old as Vanni Maceria, The Mechanic
Aldo Baglio He was 46, now 65 years old as Aldo Baglio
Nicola Savino He was 37, now 56 years old as Loveline deejay
Max Pisu He was 39, now 59 years old as Cliente del Taxi

Tu la conosci Claudia? Crew

Name Department
Massimo Venier as Director. He was 37 (now 57) years old Directing
Massimo Venier as Writer. He was 37 (now 57) years old Writing
Aldo Baglio as Writer. He was 46 (now 65) years old Writing
Giovanni Storti as Writer. He was 47 (now 67) years old Writing
Giacomo Poretti as Writer. He was 48 (now 68) years old Writing
Valerio Bariletti as Writer. Writing
Tu la conosci Claudia? poster
Tu la conosci Claudia? (19 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, December 15, 2004
  • Runtime: 104 minutes