Monster Trucks 7 years old

Meet Creech

Monster Trucks

Tripp is a high school senior with a knack for building trucks who makes an incredible discovery - a gas-guzzling creature named Creech. To protect his mischievous new friend, Tripp hides Creech under the hood of his latest creation, turning it into a real-life super-powered Monster Truck. Together, this unlikely duo with a shared taste for speed team up on a wild and unforgettable journey to reunite Creech with his family.


Monster Trucks Cast

Name Character
Thomas Lennon He was 46, now 53 years old as Dr. Bill Dowd
Barry Pepper He was 46, now 54 years old as Sheriff Rick
Holt McCallany He was 53, now 60 years old as Burke
Amy Ryan She was 47, now 54 years old as Cindy Coley
Danny Glover He was 70, now 78 years old as Mr. Weathers
Samara Weaving She was 24, now 32 years old as Brianne
Lucas Till He was 26, now 33 years old as Tripp Coley
Daniel Bacon He was 46, now 53 years old as Technician
Aliyah O'Brien She was 35, now 43 years old as Junior Scientist
Jane Levy She was 26, now 34 years old as Meredith
Chad Willett He was 45, now 52 years old as Dad (uncredited)
Scott Patey as Deputy
Peter New He was 45, now 52 years old as Taxi Cab Driver
Rob Lowe He was 52, now 60 years old as Reece Tenneson
Frank Whaley He was 53, now 61 years old as Wade Coley
Jedidiah Goodacre He was 27, now 35 years old as Jake
Stacey Scowley She was 17, now 24 years old as TV Reporter
Philip Granger He was 52, now 60 years old as Used Car Lot Owner
Giacomo Baessato as Special Agent
Daniel Boileau He was 43, now 51 years old as Car Lot Associate
Jordana Largy She was 27, now 34 years old as Tenneson's Secretary
Chris Gauthier He was 40, now 48 years old as Mr. Geldon
Tucker Albrizzi He was 16, now 24 years old as Sam Geldob
Howie Lai as Engineer

Monster Trucks Crew

Name Department
Conrad Buff IV as Editor. He was 68 (now 76) years old Editing
Denis L. Stewart as Producer. Production
David Sardy as Original Music Composer. Sound
Glenn Berger as Story. He was 47 (now 54) years old Writing
Jonathan Aibel as Story. He was 47 (now 54) years old Writing
Tish Monaghan as Costume Design. Costume & Make-Up
Krista Bell as Stunts. Crew
Mary Parent as Producer. She was 49 (now 56) years old Production
Scott J. Ateah as Stunt Coordinator. Crew
Chris Beach as Art Direction. He was 45 (now 52) years old Art
Derek Connolly as Screenplay. He was 40 (now 48) years old Writing
Monster Trucks poster
Monster Trucks (7 years)

Meet Creech

  • Release day: Wednesday, December 21, 2016
  • Runtime: 104 minutes
  • Budget: 125000000.00
  • Revenue: 64493915.00