Kickers Offenbach ( / ) 123 years old


There are 199 players playing in Kickers Offenbach.

Name Title
Emil Gröner 52 years old Association footballer
Engelbert Kraus 85 years old German footballer
Erwin Kostedde 73 years old German footballer
Erwin Kremers 70 years old German footballer
Erwin Spinnler 72 years old German footballer
Fabian Bäcker 29 years old German footballer
Fouad Brighache 37 years old German footballer
Franz Michelberger 64 years old German footballer
Georg Tripp 78 years old German footballer and manager
Gerhard Kaufhold 80 years old German footballer
Gernot Rohr 66 years old German footballer and manager
Gert Trinklein 70 years old German footballer
Giannis Takidis 38 years old footballer
Goran Ćurko 51 years old Serbian footballer
Gustav Policella 44 years old German footballer and manager
Hans Nowak 74 years old German footballer
Hans Reich 77 years old German footballer
Heiner Backhaus 37 years old German footballer
Heinz Baas 72 years old German footballer and manager
Helmut Kremers 70 years old German footballer
Helmut Siber 77 years old Association footballer
Hermann Bitz 69 years old German footballer
Hermann Lindemann 91 years old German footballer and manager
Hermann Nuber 84 years old German footballer and manager
Herwart Koppenhöfer 73 years old German footballer
Holger Gaißmayer 49 years old German footballer
Horst Bertram 71 years old German footballer
Horst Buhtz 91 years old German association football player and manager
Ignjac Krešić 53 years old Croatian footballer
Ion Vlădoiu 51 years old Footballer
Jan Washausen 31 years old German footballer
Jannik Sommer 28 years old Footballer
Jimmy Hartwig 65 years old German footballer
Joël Damahou 32 years old Ivorian footballer
Johannes Riedl 60 years old German footballer
Jörg Neun 53 years old German footballer
José Pierre Vunguidica 29 years old Angolan footballer
Josef Hickersberger 71 years old Austrian footballer player and manager
Julian Dudda 26 years old German footballer
Julius Reinhardt (footballer) 31 years old German footballer
Jürgen Rollmann 53 years old German footballer
Kai Hesse 34 years old German footballer
Lars Bastrup 64 years old Danish footballer
Lars Bender (footballer born 1988) 31 years old German footballer
Lars Schmidt 54 years old German footballer and manager
Lars Weißenfeldt 39 years old German footballer
Maik Schutzbach 33 years old German footballer
Mamadou Diabang 40 years old Senegalese footballer
Manfred Binz 54 years old German professional footballer
Manfred Ritschel 73 years old German footballer
Kickers Offenbach (123 years)

  • Inception: Tuesday, January 01, 1901