Ferencvárosi TC ( / ) 125 years old


There are 291 players playing in Ferencvárosi TC.

Name Title
Géza Toldi 76 years old footballer
György Józsi 36 years old Footballer
György Sárosi 80 years old footballer
Győző Martos 69 years old footballer
Gyula Feldmann 74 years old Football (soccer) player and manager
Gyula Lázár 72 years old footballer
Gyula Mándi 70 years old footballerr
Gyula Nemes
Gyula Polgár 80 years old footballer
Gyula Rákosi 81 years old footballer
Gyula Rumbold 71 years old footballer
Gyula Zsivóczky
Héctor Gabriel Morales 29 years old Argentine footballer
Henrietta Csiszár 25 years old Footballer
Hui Jiakang 30 years old Chinese footballer
Igor Pisanjuk 30 years old Footballer
Igor Szkukalek 43 years old footballer
Ihor Nichenko 48 years old footballer football coach
Illés Zsolt Sitku 41 years old Footballer
Imre Deme 36 years old footballer
Imre Schlosser 69 years old footballer
Imre Szabics 38 years old footballer
István Ferenczi 42 years old Hungarian footballer
István Gajda 30 years old Association footballer
István Géczi 75 years old footballer
István Juhász 74 years old footballer
István Rodenbücher 35 years old Footballer
István Szőke 72 years old Hungarian footballer
Jack Tuyp 36 years old Dutch footballer
Jan-Michael Williams 35 years old Trinidad and Tobago footballer
János Aknai 84 years old footballer
János Birtalan 27 years old footballer
János Farkas 47 years old footballer
János Gyarmati 64 years old Hungarian footballer
János Hrutka 45 years old Hungarian footballer
Jánós Krécská 54 years old Hungarian footballer
János Mátyus 44 years old Hungarian footballer
János Zováth 42 years old footballer
Jelena Čanković 24 years old Footballer
Jenő Dalnoki 73 years old footballer
Joaquín Pastor Martinez 32 years old Spanish footballer
Jordan Robertson 31 years old English footballer
József Dzurják 58 years old Hungarian football player and manager
József Eisenhoffer 45 years old footballer
József Háda 82 years old Footballer
József Kökény
József Mogyorósi 41 years old footballer
József Pálinkás 67 years old Hungarian politician
József Takács 79 years old footballer
József Turay 58 years old Footballer
Ferencvárosi TC (125 years)

  • Inception: Sunday, January 01, 1899