Super Fun Night 10 years old

Junior attorney Kimmie Boubier and her two best friends, Helen-Alice and Marika, have had a standing date every Friday night for the last 13 years. They even have a motto for what they call "Friday Night Fun Night": "Always together! Always Inside!" However Kimmie's recent promotion throws a monkey wrench into the tradition. Not only is she now working with her idol, "Lady Lawyer of the Year" Felicity Vanderstone, but she meets a dashingly handsome British attorney, Richard Lovell, who invites her to his party at a trendy club. Determined to spend time with Richard and heed Felicity's advice to network, Kimmie sets out to convince her friends to take Super Fun Night on the road.


Ravi Patel
Ravi Patel


Rob Huebel
Rob Huebel

Peter Crane

Matt Lucas
Matt Lucas


Rebel Wilson
Rebel Wilson


Liza Lapira
Liza Lapira



Name Character
Ravi Patel He was 34 , now 45 years old as Alex
Rob Huebel He was 44 , now 55 years old as Peter Crane
Matt Lucas He was 39 , now 50 years old as Derrick
Rebel Wilson She was 33 , now 44 years old as Kimmie
Liza Lapira She was 31 , now 42 years old as Helen-Alice
John Gemberling He was 32 , now 43 years old as Dan
Kevin Bishop He was 33 , now 44 years old as Richard Royce
Lauren Ash She was 30 , now 41 years old as Marika
Kate Jenkinson She was 32 , now 42 years old as Kendall Quinn


Name Job title
Robin Schiff Writing She was 63 , now 74 years old Writer
Rodman Flender Directing He was 51 , now 62 years old Director
Fred Savage Directing He was 37 , now 48 years old Director
Jamie Babbit Directing She was 42 , now 53 years old Director
Michael Showalter Writing He was 43 , now 54 years old Writer
Ken Marino Directing He was 44 , now 55 years old Director
John Riggi Directing Director
John Riggi Writing Writer
Jeffrey Walker Directing He was 44 , now 55 years old Director
Rebel Wilson Writing She was 33 , now 44 years old Writer
Super Fun Night poster
Super Fun Night (10 years)


  • First Air Date: 2013-10-02
  • Runtime: [22] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 17