Eurotika! 24 years old

Eurotika is a Channel 4 documentary film on European exploitation cinema. The documentary is similarly themed to Pete Tombs's book Immoral Tales: European Sex and Horror Movies 1956-1984. During the 1960s and 1970s, European low-budget films went kinky, emerging as a new type of cinema that blended eroticism, surrealism, horror, and over-the-top atmospherics.



Name Character
Caroline Munro She was 50 , now 75 years old as Herself
Jesús Franco He was 69 , 82 years old when he died as Himself
Paul Naschy He was 65 , 75 years old when he died as Himself
Erika Blanc She was 57 , now 82 years old as Herself
Orchidea De Santis She was 50 , now 75 years old as Herself
Daniela Giordano She was 50 , now 75 years old as Herself
Michel Lemoine He was 77 , 90 years old when he died as Himself
Hilary Dwyer She was 54 , now 79 years old as Herself
Catherine Castel She was 51 , now 76 years old as Herself
Ian Ogilvy He was 56 , now 80 years old as Himself
Amando de Ossorio He was 81 , 82 years old when he died as Himself
Tom Baker He was 65 , now 90 years old as Himself
Dagmar Lassander She was 56 , now 81 years old as Herself
Monica Swinn She was 51 , now 75 years old as Herself
Jorge Grau He was 68 , 88 years old when he died as Himself
José Ramón Larraz He was 70 , 84 years old when he died as Himself
Daniel Lesoeur as Himself
Luigi Cozzi He was 52 , now 76 years old as Himself
Jean Rollin He was 60 , 72 years old when he died as Himself
Paul Maslansky He was 65 , now 90 years old as Himself
Al Festa He was 41 , now 65 years old as Himself
Penelope McGhie as Narrator (voice)
Tony Tenser He was 79 , 87 years old when he died as Himself
Renato Polselli He was 77 , 84 years old when he died as Himself


Name Job title
Andrew Starke Directing Director
Eurotika! poster
Eurotika! (24 years)


  • First Air Date: 1999-10-03
  • Runtime: [] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 12