Three Men and a Leg (Tre uomini e una gamba) 26 years old

Three Men and a Leg

Friends Aldo, Giovanni, and Giacomo travel from north to south for Giacomo's wedding, carrying a precious item: the father of the bride, a tyrannical rich man who is both their boss and father-in-law (also Aldo and Giovanni married his daughters), has entrusted them with a wooden leg, the work of a famous artist.


Three Men and a Leg Cast

Name Character
Luciana Littizzetto She was 33, now 59 years old as Giuliana Cecconi
Carlo Croccolo He was 70, 92 years old when he died as Eros Cecconi
Eleonora Mazzoni She was 32, now 58 years old as moglie di Aldo
Giovanni Storti He was 40, now 67 years old as Giovanni Storti / John / Tram Controller / Gino
Giacomo Poretti He was 41, now 68 years old as Giacomino Poretti / Jack / Tram Passenger / Michele
Marina Massironi She was 34, now 61 years old as Chiara / Giusy
Aldo Baglio He was 39, now 65 years old as Aldo Baglio / Al / Ajeje Brazorf / Dracula
Augusto Zucchi He was 51, now 78 years old as dottore
Maria Pia Casilio She was 62, 76 years old when she died as Signora Cecconi
Mohamed El Sayed as ingegnere marocchino
Rosalina Neri She was 70, now 96 years old as portinaia

Three Men and a Leg Crew

Name Department
Massimo Venier as Director. He was 30 (now 57) years old Directing
Massimo Venier as Writer. He was 30 (now 57) years old Writing
Aldo Baglio as Director. He was 39 (now 65) years old Directing
Aldo Baglio as Writer. He was 39 (now 65) years old Writing
Giovanni Storti as Director. He was 40 (now 67) years old Directing
Giovanni Storti as Writer. He was 40 (now 67) years old Writing
Marco Poccioni as Producer. Production
Marco Valsania as Producer. Production
Paolo Guerra as Producer. He was 48 (70) years old when He died Production
Giacomo Poretti as Director. He was 41 (now 68) years old Directing
Giacomo Poretti as Writer. He was 41 (now 68) years old Writing
Giorgio Gherarducci as Writer. He was 34 (now 60) years old Writing
Three Men and a Leg poster
Three Men and a Leg (26 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, December 27, 1997
  • Runtime: 98 minutes