The Best Man 18 years old

After painter Michael 'Mike' Sheldrake's failed suicide attempt, house-mate and life-long best friend Peter Tremaine, an antiques shop owner, reminisces their common past, like Mike does in therapy. It started at the beach, when scrubby, scared Mikey became the dependent protégé of forceful Pete, both doted by Pete's dad, a wealthy lawyer. Afterwards Mike moves out to marry Kate. Pete accepts to be best man, but overdoes that, 'arranging' to get stuck in the honeymoon hotel he paid for. Drama from their boarding school childhood intertwines with tragedy for the mates, Kate and vindictive former police detective Miller.


The Best Man Cast

Name Character
Keeley Hawes She was 30, now 48 years old as Kate Sheldrake
Toby Stephens He was 36, now 55 years old as Peter Tremaine
Aaron Taylor-Johnson He was 15, now 34 years old as Michael Sheldrake (age 15)
Richard Coyle He was 34, now 52 years old as Michael Sheldrake

The Best Man Crew

Name Department
Russell Lewis as Writer. He was 43 (now 61) years old Writing
Alex Pillai as Director. Directing
The Best Man poster
The Best Man (18 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, March 19, 2006
  • Runtime: 120 minutes