Big Plans! (Store planer) 19 years old

BIG PLANS follows the petty and irresponsible crook Willy, who has a massive fondness for music. Though he's 38 years of age he will not give up his lifelong dream of becoming a famous musician. When he gets paroled he therefore decides to revive his old band to prove to his eight-year-old son, Mikkel, that he isn't the failure everyone thinks he is.


Big Plans! Cast

Name Character
Thomas Bo Larsen He was 40, now 60 years old as Willy
Laura Bro She was 31, now 51 years old
Lene Maria Christensen She was 32, now 52 years old as Bettina
Kurt Ravn He was 56, now 76 years old
Tina Gylling Mortensen She was 47, now 68 years old
Petrine Agger She was 41, now 61 years old
Peter Gantzler He was 45, now 65 years old
Lars Ranthe He was 34, now 54 years old as Police Officer
Andrea Vagn Jensen She was 38, now 58 years old
Mikkel Konyher
Pelle Koppel He was 36, now 56 years old
Jimmy Jørgensen He was 39, now 60 years old
Henrik Noél Olesen He was 36, now 56 years old

Big Plans! Crew

Name Department
Jesper W. Nielsen as Director. He was 41 (now 61) years old Directing
Big Plans! poster
Big Plans! (19 years)

  • Release day: Friday, January 07, 2005
  • Runtime: 91 minutes