Soul in Cinema: Filming Shaft on Location 53 years old

A behind the scenes look at the filming of the movie Shaft (1971). The movie's director, Gordon Parks is seen directing a couple of fight scenes which he wants to get in as few takes as possible due to the set-up time and the danger involved in the stunt work. He is also seen speaking to the composer of the film score, 'Isaac Hayes', about the overlaying of the music over one of those fight scenes, and what he wants musically for another scene involving the lead character, John Shaft, moving through Times Square. The latter would eventually become the movie's iconic theme music. Being a frenetically paced action movie, he also works closely with the film's editor, Hugh A. Robertson.


Soul in Cinema: Filming Shaft on Location Cast

Name Character
Richard Roundtree He was 28, now 82 years old as Himself
Isaac Hayes He was 28, 65 years old when he died as Himself
Gordon Parks He was 58, 93 years old when he died as Himself
Hugh A. Robertson He was 39, 55 years old when he died as Himself

Soul in Cinema: Filming Shaft on Location Crew

Name Department
Jeri Sopanen as Camera Operator. He was 41 (79) years old when He died Camera
John M. Stephens as Camera Operator. Camera
Soul in Cinema: Filming Shaft on Location poster
Soul in Cinema: Filming Shaft on Location (53 years)

  • Release day: Wednesday, June 02, 1971
  • Runtime: 11 minutes