RSWX Presents... Dave 11 years old

The phenomenon that is... Bowie

A homage to one of the greatest figures in popular music. Dave includes original songs, covers, backing vocals, production work and some Soulwax reworks, to attempt to give a full scope of the man's genius. For the visual side to this mix, Wim Reygaert came up with the most ambitious film for RSWX, a fever dream time travel through the man's career, starring the amazing Hannelore Knuts as Dave. This is a pure labour of love for the phenomenon that is... Bowie.


RSWX Presents... Dave Cast

Name Character
Sam Louwyck He was 46, now 58 years old as William S. Burroughs
Nicolas Karakatsanis as Freddie Mercury
Simon Fisher-Turner He was 57, now 69 years old as The Queen Bi*
David Dewaele He was 36, 36 years old when he died as Detective #2
Maarten Claeyssens He was 37, now 49 years old as Iggy Pop

RSWX Presents... Dave Crew

Name Department
RSWX Presents... Dave (11 years)

The phenomenon that is... Bowie

  • Release day: Saturday, November 10, 2012
  • Runtime: 60 minutes