My Boy 9 years old

A Journey Throught Five States Looking for a Place to Call Home

Sarah nurtures a relationship with a 2 year old boy she calls Johnny. She buys him clothes, to him and introduces him to close friends. She says he is the son of her cousin who is unable take care of him. Her friends want to believe her, but something isn't quite right about her story... "My Boy" is a partially autobiographical film and has won a long list of awards.


My Boy Cast

Name Character
Gary Daniels He was 51, now 61 years old as Roy
G. W. Bailey He was 70, now 79 years old as Chet
Sarah Ann Schultz as Tarot Reader
Judd Lormand as Michael
John Lathan as John
Natasha Green as Alex
John Gabriel Rodriquez as Jason

My Boy Crew

Name Department
Giorgio Serafini as Director. He was 53 (now 62) years old Directing
My Boy poster
My Boy (9 years)

A Journey Throught Five States Looking for a Place to Call Home

  • Release day: Wednesday, April 15, 2015
  • Runtime: 96 minutes