Le bal du comte d'Orgel 54 years old

Nobles try desperately to cling to the crumbling aristocracy in the days following World War I. The Count (Jean-Claude Brialy) and his Countess Mahe (Sylvia Fennec) delight in throwing lavish costume balls. The couple develops a friendship with a young boy who delights in the parties thrown by the noble couple. Love soon blooms between the Countess and the boy as she searches for something more than a string of endless parties and social affairs. The masquerades are an attempt to freeze time and hold on to the nostalgia of a bygone era. For fear of losing her, the Count allows the Countess to continue her love affair.


Le bal du comte d'Orgel Cast

Name Character
Marpessa Dawn She was 36, 74 years old when she died
Jean-Claude Brialy He was 37, 74 years old when he died
Micheline Presle She was 47, now 101 years old
Claude Gensac She was 43, 89 years old when she died
Ginette Leclerc She was 58, 79 years old when she died
Sacha Pitoëff He was 50, 70 years old when he died
Marcel Charvey He was 54, 79 years old when he died
Sylvie Fennec She was 24, now 78 years old
Max Montavon He was 43, 57 years old when he died
Gérard Lartigau He was 28, 72 years old when he died

Le bal du comte d'Orgel Crew

Name Department
Victoria Mercanton as Editor. She was 59 (94) years old when She died Editing
Marc Allégret as Director. He was 69 (72) years old when He died Directing
Marc Allégret as Writer. He was 69 (72) years old when He died Writing
Le bal du comte d'Orgel (54 years)

  • Release day: Tuesday, June 30, 1970