Kill Katie Malone 13 years old

you can't choose your family, but she can

Kill Katie Malone

College students and best friends Ginger Matheson, Jim Duncan, and Kyle "Dixie" Canning, pool their cash to buy a "ghost" in an online auction. The three think it's all a goof, but once they open up the antique box to examine their "treasure," they unleash the vengeful spirit of an Irish servant girl who has been wreaking havoc on her owners throughout the generations


Kill Katie Malone Cast

Name Character
Fernanda Romero She was 27, now 40 years old as Misty
Dean Cain He was 44, now 57 years old as Robert
Stephen Colletti He was 24, now 38 years old as Jim
Jonathan McDaniel He was 25, now 39 years old as Kyle (Dixie) Canning
Masiela Lusha She was 24, now 38 years old as Ginger
Danny Arroyo He was 31, now 45 years old as Professor Saldana
Cassandra Jean She was 25, now 38 years old as Ellen

Kill Katie Malone Crew

Name Department
Mark Onspaugh as Story. Writing
Mark Onspaugh as Writer. Writing
Carlos Ramos, Jr. as Director. Directing
Kill Katie Malone poster
Kill Katie Malone (13 years)

you can't choose your family, but she can

  • Release day: Sunday, October 10, 2010
  • Runtime: 88 minutes
  • Budget: 3000000.00