Gunsmoke: The Long Ride 31 years old

For thirty years, Marshall Matt Dillon fought to preserve the law in Dodge City… now, he's wanted for murder and fighting to clear his name. Three deputies ride up with a warrant for Dillon's arrest, a wealthy mine operator has been gunned down in cold blood and an eyewitness says Dillon was the murderer.


Gunsmoke: The Long Ride Cast

Name Character
James Brolin He was 52, now 84 years old as John Parsley
James Arness He was 69, 88 years old when he died as Matt Dillon
Christopher Bradley He was 31, now 63 years old as Josh Reardon
Ali MacGraw She was 54, now 85 years old as Jane Merkel
Amy Stock-Poynton She was 34, now 65 years old as Beth Reardon

Gunsmoke: The Long Ride Crew

Name Department
Jerry Jameson as Director. He was 58 (now 89) years old Directing
Gunsmoke: The Long Ride poster
Gunsmoke: The Long Ride (31 years)

  • Release day: Saturday, May 08, 1993
  • Runtime: 94 minutes