Psychic TV: First Transmission 42 years old

For over 30 years, the so-called First Transmission video from Psychic TV, has been the stuff of, well, “snuff film” legend. First advertised in the back pages of Thee Grey Book , The First Transmission was an ultra weird touchstone of the underground VHS tape trading scene of the 1980s.


Psychic TV: First Transmission Cast

Name Character
David Tibet He was 21, now 64 years old
Peter Christopherson He was 26, 55 years old when he died
Brion Gysin He was 65, 70 years old when he died
Jim Jones He was 50, 47 years old when he died
Cosey Fanni Tutti She was 30, now 72 years old
Genesis P-Orridge was 31, now 74 years old

Psychic TV: First Transmission Crew

Name Department
Psychic TV: First Transmission poster
Psychic TV: First Transmission (42 years)

  • Release day: Friday, January 01, 1982
  • Runtime: 240 minutes