Kyoto Prize Winners

People with Kyoto Prize


Name Title
Akira Kurosawa Japanese film director screenwriter producer and editor
Alfred G. Knudson American geneticist
André Weil French mathematician
Andrzej Wajda Polish film director
Anthony Pawson British-Canadian biochemist
Ariane Mnouchkine French theatre director
Bandō Tamasaburō V Japanese actor and director
Cecil Taylor American pianist
Charles Taylor Actor
Chushiro Hayashi Japanese astrophysicist
Claude E. Shannon Inventor
Claude Shannon
Daniel H. Janzen American biologist
Edward Norton Lorenz American mathematician and meteorologist
Eugene Parker American astronomer
Federico Faggin Italian physicist and electrical engineer
G. Evelyn Hutchinson British zoologist
George H. Heilmeier
George M. Whitesides American chemist
George William Gray
György Ligeti Composer
Hirotugu Akaike Statistician
Isamu Akasaki Japanese scientist
Isamu Noguchi American artist
Israel Gelfand Soviet-American mathematician
Issey Miyake Japanese fashion designer
Ivan Sutherland Computer programmer Internet pioneer
Izuo Hayashi Japanese physicist
John Cage Composer philosopher printmaker writer
John Maynard Smith Evolutionary biologist and geneticist
John McCarthy Sound
Jürgen Habermas German philosopher
Karl Popper Austrian-British philosopher of science
Kiyoshi Itō Japanese mathematician
Kurt Wüthrich Swiss chemist
László Lovász Hungarian mathematician
Leroy Hood American biologist
Marcian Hoff
Mario Capecchi Genetics Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2007.
Martha Nussbaum American philosopher
Masaki Kashiwara Japanese mathematician
Masatoshi Nei American geneticist
Masatoshi Shima Japanese computer pioneer
Maurice Béjart French-born Swiss dancer and choreographer
Michel Mayor Swiss astrophysicist
Mikhail Leonidovich Gromov Russian-born Mathematician
Nam June Paik video artist
Nicole Marthe Le Douarin
Noam Chomsky linguist psychologist and activist
Paul Lauterbur American scientist

Kyoto Prize (0 years)

  • Inception: